Coiled Serpent Ritual Oil


Luxurious body oil to help uncoil your tightly wound body utilizing snake magick 〰️ smells of olibanum, pine resin and lavender flower. Eases stiffness in the body, anti-inflammatory & reinforces energetic boundaries.

Made with whole plant infusion of nettle, comfrey, kava kava, angelica, lavender, tulsi, calendula in jojoba oil & olive oil, intuitive essential oil blend ~ all organic ingredients


How to use: Apply body oil after a shower or bath while skin is still wet for maximum absorption. Lather yourself as often as you feel called to , or use in a body oiling ritual. Would also be a great oil to use externally on your ovaries ~ womb when experiencing cramps or pain during your menstrual cycle.

Herbal body oiling is a practice that is sensual, healing, and easy to ritualize as part of a self-care routine. Herbal oils hold strong medicinal properties that absorb into the body quickly and effectively as a topical skin regimen , integrating plant medicine into your daily life. Herbal body oiling retains moisture in our largest organ, the skin, which improves the lymphatic system , therefore improving the immune system and ability to fight infections and allergies. The act of massage moves lymphatic fluid throughout the body , improving blood circulation, relaxing muscles and improving joint stiffness. Herbal body oiling can also deeply relax the nervous system through touch and self-massage , as well as mindful breathwork.

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Nettle brings vitamins and minerals that penetrate deep into the skin to nourish, soothe the skin, ease stiffness in the body, relieve skin irritations, moisturize, and restore. Nettles helps connect you back to yourself, establishing and reinforcing your energetic boundaries.

Comfrey is an ally for regeneration and healing that mends parts of us that are broken and helps us to grow new roots. Comfrey stimulates tissue regeneration, heals wounds, treats scars, promotes new skin cell growth, and helps maintain healthy skin. Like a snake shedding , comfrey clears old, dry, flaky skin and brings new life to your outer layers.

Lavender harmonizes your energy, clearing out blockages, and allowing you to tap into your intuition. Lavender is deeply relaxing to the muscles and soothing to the spirit , easing stress. As it clears your energy, it does the same for your skin ~ unclogging pores, healing wounds, cleansing, and protecting with antioxidants.

Calendula , a vibrant plant ruled by the sun , brings healing energy that tends to wounds & scars, stimulates collagen production and evens out & smooths , creating glowing skin. Calendula is a nourishing astringent that keeps moisture in the skin. Anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, & anti-bacterial.