Devotion Ritual Oil

from $33.00

Dream realm exploration , Jupiterian road opening expansion and sensuous embodiment for ultimate d e v o t i o n. Use before ritual or ceremony, sleep, meditation or divination. Smells of cedarwood, myrrh, santal, cardamom, petrichor.

Made with whole plant infusion of mugwort, damiana, rose, chaparral leaf + flower in organic olive oil charged with Quartz point with rainbow prism + the new moon in Taurus, intuitive essential oil blend

How to use: Apply body oil after a shower or bath while skin is still wet for maximum absorption. Lather yourself as often as you feel called to , or use in a body oiling ritual. Would also be a great oil to use externally on your ovaries ~ womb when experiencing cramps or pain during your menstrual cycle.

Herbal body oiling is a practice that is sensual, healing, and easy to ritualize as part of a self-care routine. Herbal oils hold strong medicinal properties that absorb into the body quickly and effectively as a topical skin regimen , integrating plant medicine into your daily life. Herbal body oiling retains moisture in our largest organ, the skin, which improves the lymphatic system , therefore improving the immune system and ability to fight infections and allergies. The act of massage moves lymphatic fluid throughout the body , improving blood circulation, relaxing muscles and improving joint stiffness. Herbal body oiling can also deeply relax the nervous system through touch and self-massage , as well as mindful breathwork.

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Mugwort , a psychic lunar herb , brings magickal imagery & symbols to your dream realm. Mugwort is a witch's herb , a stirrer of visions and an opener of portals. It heightens our extrasensory perception while simultaneously dropping us deep into our center. Opening the doors of perception, mugwort allows us to live in several worlds at once, drawing our gaze to that which is visible, and that which is invisible. Like the knowing hands of a wise woman, mugwort oil seeps deeply into muscles and joints, permeating with sensation and relief. Mugwort gets into the deepest tissues of the body. Combined with an herbal oil, it will bring that oil's medicine to depths within the body that it wouldn't get to otherwise.