Joshua Tree Flower Essence

from $12.00

Key words of protection , birthing , conscious transformation. Ancestral healing. Breaking generational patterns in order to move forward. Support in sobriety. Healing catalyst.

These insights into generational trauma can open up doorways to further soul work.

Smoky Quartz aids in grounding and calming , regulates and stabilizes the detoxification of unwanted energies from the physical, emotional and mental bodies , synchronizes body energy with Earth energy.

Green tourmaline helps us see through the illusion of separation and experience oneness with life. It lifts the veil so that we can see ourselves reflected in all of life, and feel that connection within our hearts. Aids in releasing feelings of low self-esteem or fear blocking intimate heart~centered connections with others and difficulty staying present when confronted with strong emotional energies.

Pink tourmaline is uplifting and heart healing , building self trust and helping us shift out of hard times or grief.

Take 4 drops directly on the tongue, or in water. You can also tap into your pulse points.

Made with essence of Joshua Tree blooms charged with pink and green tourmaline on smoky quartz, orange blossom water, honey and brandy

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